The Gathering

The Gathering is not currently meeting. We hope to gather soon but until then feel free to listen to one of our previous meetings!

Women of every kind and walk of life come together to laugh, sing, fellowship and hear the Word.

Genesis 38: The Story of Tamar

Audio File: 01Genesis38-TheStoryofTamar.mp3 (57.36MB)

What skeletons are in your closest that you'd die if anyone knew about? What is your fear? Judgment? Lost friendship? Unacceptance? I HIGHLY recommend you read Genesis 38 before coming to The Gathering. What are your conclusions of Tamar? Is she a woman of righteousness in your eyes? Everyone has a story, amen? What's yours? No matter how many skeletons are in your closet, there is a God whose love is greater than any shameful act or guilt-covered past. We will continue our conversations of "story" tomorrow night with Tamar and uncover a great deal that may just surprise you. And, through our conclusions, we'll praise God for His faithfulness and steadfast love.

1 Samuel 1: The Story of Hannah

Audio File: 01Samuel1TheStoryofHannah.mp3 (62.01MB)

Is suffering always a consequence of sin in your life? Does it mean God is angry or displeased with you? Do you think if you were more spiritual then the suffering would go away? Can God accomplish good from your suffering? Would He use suffering to form you into His likeness? If any of these questions have been on your lips during despair, then you'll want to be with us tonight at The Gatherin...g.

Ruth: Ruth 3 and 4

Audio File: 01Ruth3and4.mp3 (52.82MB)

So here's my question: If the gospel is a life of surrender, sacrifice and loving I living it? Ruth, Naomi and Boaz all seemed to know this life...and with it came great hope and a confidence that only comes from the Lord.

Ruth and Boaz: Ruth 2

Audio File: 01RuthChapter2-RuthandBoaz.mp3 (66.20MB)

The greatest way to speak the gospel is to live the gospel in every area of your life. Are there promises connected to finding refuge in God? Are there ever coincidences in life? Join us as we continue "What's Your Story?" and learn more about Ruth and Boaz.

The Testimony of a Widow: Karen Shelton

Audio File: 01Ruth-TestimonyofaWidowedWoman-KarenShelton.mp3 (64.79MB)

Have you ever thought transformation could come out of tragedy? Do you really live life believing joy comes in the morning? Is it hard for you to testify that God is working even when you can’t see it? Do you question God today? As we continue our study in the book of Ruth, we’ll have a special guest speak to us regarding both the despair and healing that comes with being widowed at a very early age. Hear her story of God’s provision and protection as she learned to live on her knees before the Lord. He walked with her through tragedy bringing comfort and strength in the midst of great grieving and confusion. She is who she is today because of that terrible day and God’s glorious hand can be seen in every area of her life.

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